Olimpiadas (Olympics) 2012
One channel FHD, color, sound
3 minutes 45 seconds
This work was an observation of the socio-political? situation of the time (2012), portraying a specific moment in the European oligarchy. In the video, we see a fictional Olympics, where different countries compete against each other. In this case, we see Spain competing in something that could be called “singing in German”. From my personal point of view – as a Spanish Immigrant – I analyzed social hierarchies, economic conflicts, and cultural stereotypes.
In this video, a gymnast appears and sings a song called “We’re not crazy” by the Spanish band “Ketama”, a song that became very popular after the crisis in 92 in Spain. The song’s lyrics underline a hedonistic and stereotypical character that circles the idea that citizens of Mediterranean countries are lazier and less hardworking.
German speakers are the only ones who could understand these lyrics. Spanish immigrants translated the lyrics of this song, explaining the grammatical errors (in German and the subtitles), which I decided to leave and exhibit.
In the video, the Spanish lyrics are from the song “We’re not crazy” which is sung in German.
Written, directed and produced by Ana Esteve Reig
All rights reserved © Ana Esteve Reig
Idea, direction, editing: Ana Esteve Reig
Camera: Benjamin Brix
Singer: Cristina Losada Sarmiento