Video 3 minutes 9 seconds
Site specific video work for the exhibition "Fin de Fiesta/Ende der Party" for the project Tokonomadrid in Kassel. Curated by Ángel Calvo Ulloa and Inez Piso
(...) Regarding Ana Esteve Reig, she remained in the city for over five years – making her the only real witness of this process. The idea of the non-concept that Carolyn Christov-Bakargiev and Chus Martínez explored, took a leading role in dOCUMENTA 13, also related in their proposal with the idea of apparent triviality of Chimo Bayos lyrics, a Spanish musician. The fading of the music producer’s golden years runs parallel to the end of the party, suggesting and announcing an ephemeral moment of change.
Idea, edition, postproduction: Ana Esteve Reig
Song: "Extasi Etano", Chimo Bayo, 2006
Written, directed and produced by Ana Esteve Reig
All rights reserved © Ana Esteve Reig