Ana Esteve Reig


LESSONS: How to fall down properly? 2015

3 minutes 45 seconds

Idea/ direction/ camera / edition: Ana Esteve Reig

Performer: Ana Esteve Reig

Lessons was born as a video tutorial to explain how to fall down without getting hurt. Some video channels, such as Youtube, hold a variety of “homemade” videos advising or explaining sport exercises, tricks, etc. In this video, I explain different exercises to fall down correctly: one has to train flexibility, balance and strength.
This video was recorded in the hall of my parent’s home, where I lived and worked at the time. My studio was in a common area of the “home”. With this piece, I try to convey a moment that many artists are suffering: the precariousness of the art world and the side effects of the financial crisis provoking us to constantly fall, only to adapt ourselves again to different circumstances. However, this work can be interpreted from many perspectives.

Written, directed and produced by Ana Esteve Reig
All rights reserved © Ana Esteve Reig

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