Ana Esteve Reig


La Consulta (The Query) 2013

This video forms part of a video installation.
With thanks to Marie Kersting, Beatrix Schubert y Tobias Böhm for the assistance.

La Consulta started as an art project in January 2013 while I was still living in Kassel, Germany. This work arose due to the need to conclude an important topic: the economic crisis. I decided to learn how to read tarot cards and let Spaniards ask questions about Spain’s future. I performed as a Clairvoyant on television, which in Spain has become a standard and profitable business. A clairvoyant is one that can see into the future, which for this work, became the aim: to visualize the future of my country.

On the 28
th of January in 2013?, I performed as a Clairvoyant and received four calls. The questions were about the future of the economy, unemployment, the monarchy, and jobs, and I communicated the cards meaning.

Two months later, my life changed so much that I revisualized my future. During this time, I tried to find some assistance in tarot cards, and most parts that I saw (perhaps: and the predictions or answers I received) came true or began to come true over time. I became increasingly aware of the power these cards held and felt fear.

I decided to abandon this project because these card’s predictions came true, and I endured some very difficult personal situations. I stopped working with these cards and looked for an alternative approach to display the information. Thus, I decided to exhibit the video with the sound of my own voice and the questions placed next to a table where cards were placed, but without revealing the meanings of these cards. La Consulta is a video composed of an installation and a table/showcase with the questions written on paper next to the cards which appear in the video. The meaning or information is not revealed, but those that understand the meaning and symbols of tarot cards can read comprehend them.

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