Ana Esteve Reig
20/08/1986 Agres, Spain.
Lives and works in Madrid, Spain.
Assistant Lecturer in Videoart in the Faculty of Fine Arts, The Nebrija University, Madrid, 2017-current.
Videolab Master’s Degree in Contemporary Audiovisual Creation, Visual Arts Lens School, October 2015 to July 2016, Madrid.
Contemporary Dance, beginner-intermediate level, Professor Jaime Urciuoli, Karen Taft School, Madrid, October 2014 to July 2015.
Master’s Degree with Prof. Bjørn Melhus, from October 2011 to September 2012.
Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts at the School of Art Kassel, July 2011. Concentration in video art, class “Virtual Realities” by Prof. Bjørn Melhus.
Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid in July 2009.
(Up coming) The 5th Floor, Tokyo, Japan
Loop Art Fair 2023, Booth Gallery Luis Adelantado Valencia, Barcelona, Spain.
Escenarios de ficción, Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza Madrid, Spain.
ARCO, Solo Project, Booth Gallery Luis Adelantado Valencia, Madrid, Spain.
Visiones contemporáneas, DA2 Artium, Salamanca, Spain.
Doble Ficción, Galería Luis Adelantado, Valencia, Spain.
Doble Refracción, 9 September to 9 December, Centro Cultural las Cigarreras, Alicante, Spain.
El sueño de la pantalla, 28th June to 27th October, Museum IVAM Cada Alcoy, Spain.
Multiverso exhibition "La pantalla mágica", 1st February to 10th March, BBVA Foundation, Madrid, Spain.
El Oráculo, performance, 20th May, Salón, Madrid, Spain.
Paraísos Perdidos: 25th September to 14 October in the Centro de Arte Tomás y Valiente, Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain.
Arco 2025, Booth Gallery Luis Adelantado Valencia, Madrid, Spain.
Open Studio, Medialab & Centro de Residencias Artísticas Matadero, Madrid, Spain.
Cielo azul artificial, Cineteca Matadero, Madrid
Vegap 2024, Centro Conde Duque, Madrid, Spain.
Simultan Festival 2024, Timisoara, Romania.
Machines Echoes, Seelab, The Hague, Netherlands.
Fundación Cañada Blanch, Valencia, Spain.
EAC 2024, Museo de la Universidad de Alicante, Spain.
SOLO AI Award, Goldsmiths London, UK.
Obertura Carabanchel, Madrid, Spain.
Loop Festival, Barcelona, Spain.
Video dialogues, Index, Stockohlm, Sweden.
Premio Obra Abierta, Asamblea de Extremadura, Mérida, Spain
IBAFF Festival, Murcia, Spain
Curtocircuito Festival, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Plecs, Cultura Rizoma, virtual project, Internet.
El árbol de la Rabia, EAAC de Castellón, Spain.
Yupi, Sala de Arte Joven, Madrid, Spain.
Festival Fuso 2021, Lisboa, Portugal.
Arco Madrid, July 2021, Galería Formato Cómodo.
XIV Certamen Fundación Unicaja de Artes Plásticas, Unicaja Cultural Center of Málaga, 18th February to 3d April, Málaga, Spain.
Fuera de Formato, Gallery Formato Cómodo, December to January 2021, Madrid, Spain.
Un momento atemporal, Tabacalera Promoción del Arte, September, Madrid, Spain.
Proyector Festival 2020, Sala El Águila, September, Madrid, Spain.
Festival Fuso 2020, Lisbon, Portugal.
Down the rabbit hole, Mad_driguera (Salón), May, Madrid, Spain.
Proyecto #Unmetroymedio, CA2M Madrid, Spain.
Más allá del cine, 19th February, Academia de Cine (Film Academy), Madrid.
No estoy trabajando/Estamos haciendo, 1st June, Real Academy of Spain, Rome, Italy.
Paisajes del Antropoceno. 2¼ Ciclo de Videoarte La Ventana de la Factoría Cultural,, 4th to 30th April, Factoría Cultural in Avilés, Spain.
Premi Ciutat de Palma Antoni Gelabert dArts Visuals 2018, 20th January, Casal Solleric, Palma, Spain.
15ª Mostra, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Fundación Naturgy, 25th October to 30th December, A Coruña, Spain.
Futuro Im_perfecto, 14th to 21th September, Ey Studio, Hybrid Festival, Madrid, Spain.
All you see is art, La Lonja del Pescado, 9th March to 10th June, Alicante, Spain.
JustMad Art Fair, with AVAM, 20th to 25th February, Madrid, Spain.
Open Studio, Tamara Arroyo´s studio, 17th to 20th February, Madrid, Spain.
#MECOMPROUNAOBRA, 14,15 to 16 December, Arco Fundation, Formato Cómodo Gallery, Madrid, Spain.
Circuitos, 26th October to 24th November, Sala Borrón in Oviedo and Laboral in Gijón, Spain.
Tracing Utopia, 7th to 3thof July, Stiftung Starke Gemeinnützige Kunststiftung, Berlin, Germany.
Duo Show. Ana Esteve Reig- Mar Guerrero, 13th June to 29th July, Formato Cómodo Gallery, Madrid, Spain.
Miquel Casablancas Award, 26th May to 16th July, Fabra i Coats, Barcelona, Spain.
Plunderphonics, ArtBanchel, 6th May, La Catorce Quince, Madrid, Spain.
Posmandanga, 25th and 26th February, Atelier Solar + Berbecho, Madrid, Spain.
Circuitos XXVII 2016, January to March, Sala de Artje Joven, Madrid, Spain.
Holyworlds, 23th September to 8th October, EstudioconVistas, Madrid, Spain.
Trabalhe-Faça + Sistemas muito (anti)productivos, August to end of September, Pilar Gallery, Sao Paulo, Brasil.
Call 2016, 7th July to 22d September, Luis Adelantado Gallery, Valencia, Spain.
Festival Márgenes, Madrid, Spain.
Buscadores de Oro, October to december, Espacio OTR, Madrid, Spain.
Open Studio, 1st to 4th de October, Estudio San Marcelo, Madrid, Spain.
My dog is an artist and tonight is full moon terror, 29th of August, FLT*3 House, Berlin, Germany.
Bar Humo, 23 July, Trastero 109, Palma, Spain.
Vidas Cruzadas, 20th to 23d May, Galería Paula Alonso, Madrid, Spain.
Mujeres en acción: Feminario videoperformativo, Centro Cultural de España in Tegucigalpa (Honduras): 10th March-26th April/ Centro Cultural de España in La Paz (Bolivia): 20th March-20 April/ Centro Cultural de España in San Salvador (El Salvador): May /Centro Cultural de España Santo Domingo (República Dominicana): 9th to 12th June.
Eurovideo 2015, Videographies, 17th to 19th March in Liége, San Sebastián, Mons, Skopie, and Kaliningrad.
Why yes, why not? 27th November, in PIMA, Madrid, Spain.
War/SHE, 10th October, Kharkiv, Ucrania.
Genderfication, A window in Berlin, 5th to 18th October, Berlin, Germany.
Artincampos 14, Frida en celo, 1st August, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
XIV Edición de Premio Joven Artes Plásticas (XIV Edition Young Art Award). Opening June 12 in the Centro de Arte Complutense, Museo del Traje, Madrid, Spain.
Ende der Party/Fin de Fiesta: 7th ato 4th June, Tokonoma Apartment, Germany.
Presente Indicativo: Miquel Casablancas Prize finalists 2014: May 30th to June 7th, Fabra i Coats- Fábrica de Creació, Barcelona, Spain.
Popup Kinofest: May 31st, PPC Gallery, Berlin, Germany.
Otras historias. Proyección y mesa redonda: 19th of March, Filmoteca de La Rioja Rafael Azcona, Logroño, Spain.
Frame Fatale: 8th of March to 15th April, Galería Mr. Pink, Valencia, Spain.
Selección especial de Screens: 27th December to 31st January 2014, La Rambleta, Valencia, Spain.
En ningún lugar. Una memoria alternativa de las Torres Hejduk : 6th December to March 2014, Torres Hejduk, Ciudad de la Cultura, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
EAC 2013, Encuentros de Arte Contemporáneo: 2nd November to 22th December in the Sala Club at the Museum University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain.
Room Art Fair III, Sensación de vivir, 21th to 24th November, Hotel Constanza Metropol, Madrid, Spain.
Screens, Art´N´Video Valencia, Selección especial 2013: 31th October, Galería Mr. Pink, Valencia, Spain.
Mañana, prácticas urgentes del arte actual: 27th June to 28th July, Centro Cultural Galileo, Madrid, Spain.
The Latino Video Art Festival of Nueva York: 16/17/18 May, Centro Rey Juan Carlos I de la Universidad de New York, EEUU.
Exposición Premio Club Levante: 28th April to 26th May, Galeria Club Levante, Valencia, Spain.
Maraton de Video Mav, 19th March, La Casa Encendida, Madrid, Spain.
Feminis-Arte, 8th March to 8th April, CentroCentro Cibeles, Madrid, Spain.
Screens, Muestra itinerante de Videocreación: 15th November, Galeria Mr. Pink, Valencia, Spain.
WorpswedeVideo:10th November to 29th December, Worpswede, Germany.
(e)merge art fair Washington: 4th to 8th October, Gallery Anita Beckers, Capitol Skyline Hotel in Washington, DC, USA. S
Meisterschülerausstellung 2013: 19th to 22nd July, Giesshaus, Kassel, Germany.
Incubarte, Festival Internacional de Arte Independiente: 21st to 24th June, Galería Mr. Pink, Valencia, Spain.
VIII Encuentro de Arte y Género: 9th March, Filmoteca de Andalucía, Córdoba, Spain.
Windows III: 9th February to 31st March, Showroom Deutschen Künstlerbundes, Berlin, Germany.
Parallele Wirklichkeiten: 29th November to 4th December, Kasseler Kunstverein, Kassel, Germany.
Monitoring: 9th to 13th November, Kasseler Kunstverein, Kassel, Germany.
Injuve 2011: 22nd September to 1st November, in the Antiguo Edificio de Tabacalera, Madrid, Spain.
Examensausstellung 2011: 9th to 18th July, Documenta Halle, Kassel, Germany.
Here we go: April, Galeria Loyal, Kassel, Germany.
GoEast Festival: April, Wiesbaden, Germany.
Live Amno: February to April, Museum Moca Taipei, Taiwan.
Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofest: November, Kassel, Germany.
Anadoma Festival: January, Braunschweig, Germany.
Hausstellung: November, Vienna, Austria.
Kasseler Dokumentarfim- und Videofest: November, Kassel, Germany.
Optica Festival: July to October, Bolivia, Argentina, Spain and France.
Asyl:Mayo Genoa, Italy.
Cannizaro Park: May, London, England.
Artefactos : May, Madrid, Spain.
- Adquisition award 2024 of the UPV Collection.
- Winner os a year Residency for research and production of Medialab Matadero 24/25.
- Finalist for the Solo AI Award 2024 of Colección SOLO.
- Winner of the 3d Award EAC 2024.
- Finalist to the BMW Award for digital art 2023.
- Winner of The Grant for Visual Arts of the Madrid Community 2023, 2020 and 2017.
- Escletxes grant for research and artistic and artistic production 2023.
- Winner of The Grant for Research, Creation and Artistic Production for Visual Art 2020.
- Winner of one of the Residency Grants of the Community of Madrid for Hangar Residency, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Musical residency for emerging bands with the project La Reif in Matadero Madrid, April to end of July, 2018.
- Winner of the Multiverso Grant 2017 for Videoart from BBVA
- Finalist to the Miquel Casablancas Award 2017.
- Winner of Circuitos 2016 Prize of the Madrid Community.
- Selected to take part on Open Studio 2015 Madrid.
- Selected for the Loop Discovery Award 2015.
- Finalist to the Miquel Casablancas Award 2014.
- Winner of two months residency during the year 2014 in Espacio de Producción, Arte y Desarrollo in Madrid, Spain.
- Áccesit Award from Premio Joven de las Artes Visuales 2014 of the Complutense University of Madrid for the video Olimpiadas.
- Winner in the competition Art Center Tomás y Valiente with a solo show in September 2014.
- Selected and finalist in the XIV Edition of Young Art Award UCM 2014.
- Selected to exhibit at the XIII Meetings Competition Contemporary Art in Alicante in November 2013.
- "En ningún lugar", winning project to exhibit in the Torres Hedjuk in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
- Finalist for the production grant 2013 from the Open Studio with Santander Foundation.
- Second prize in the call of Arte y Género 2012 ( Art and Gender) for the work Encierro.
- Special award from Diario Levante, Festival Incubarte, for the work Futuro Inmediato.
- Young Art Award Injuve 2011 in the category of Visual Art.
- Finalist for the Award Heitland Foundation Preis.
- First prize for the collective work Spaziergangst, annual exhibition 2009, School of Art Kassel.
- Artist talk in Proyector Festival, Madrid.
- Virtualidad, ritualidad y nuevas ficciones, junto a Susana Blas, RESAD, Madrid 2024.
- Masterclass about videoart. 2023, ECAM Madrid.
- Conference, “Estéticas híbridas de la imagen en movimiento. Videoarte español y dinámicas identitarias en el mapa global (2019-2021)”, November, 2020.
- “De la melancolía a la fantasía audiovisual” en el Congreso de Ontologías Feministas, abril 2019.
- Artist talk with Estudio Disperso, Le Parody, Grupal Crew Collective and Kelman Duran, May 2018, Matadero Madrid.
- "Carta Blanca", 25th of April 2018, Máster Lav, Madrid.
- Otra vez el Cosmos, with Ana María Gomes, 20th January 2018, Espacio Espositivo, Madrid.
- Proyecto Chimenea, with Valle Lázaro, 19th December 2017, La Casa Encendida, Madrid.
- Lecture, November 2017, Faculty of Philosophy, Musicology, Universidad Autónoma, Madrid.
Fancams, Museo Nacional Reina Sofia Collection, Spain.
Doble Ficción in DKV Collection, Spain.
La pantalla mágica in CA2M Collection, Spain, and Ayuntamiento de Alicante Collection.
Encierro, Private Collection Injuve, Spain.
Olimpiadas, Young Award UCM, Spain.